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Thursday 26 May 2011

Convocation of Food Technology

hari ney..ika nk crita psl hari konvo ika..:)
walaupon, ika ngh stdy in Diploma Food Tech ksg..
ika & mmber pergi konvo tok sjil dluw...
Ika stdy Sijl & Diploma kt Poly
Kuantan, Pahang..
nk thu np ika dpt smbung stdy kt tmpt yg sma??
sbb course Food Tech HANYA ada kt POLISAS shja...hehe..
so..24 MAY 2011..adalah hri Concocation POLISAS yg ke-32...

happy cngt pergi konvo..sbb dpt jmp mmber2 masa sijil...
sbb xsmua dpt smbung stdy Diploma...yg dpt skg..cuma separuh..:( 
sikit sja kn..
anyway..CONGRATS kpd sapew2 mmbr ika yg dh konvo..
so..skg ktaorg as a Freshgraduate of Food Techonology..

Thursday 19 May 2011

Tanjung Lumpur Ikan Bakar

Tanjung Lumpur is a traditional fishing village located near the mouth of the Kuantan River. It is loosely translated into English as the " Cape of Mud". This village was in fact one of the earliest villages opened by the Malays in Kuantan many decades ago. It is located in the district of Kuantan about 2 kilometers away from Kuantan city. Tanjung Lumpur and Kuantan is divided by Kuantan River at the middle and connected by a bridge
Tanjung Lumpur is well known for its ikan bakar (grilled fish)
our menu today:)

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Digestive System

dlm subjek nutrition..
ika blajar proses penghaman mknan yg kita dok mkn..
smpai lah jdi "stool"...kalu xthu bt goggle search meaning word tu..hehe..^_^

short sem story

kalu nk tahu..short sem nih...semester pendek..kt poli...biasanya poly bt msa cuti 2bulan...
so...kalu sapew2 rjin leh r amk short sem...blea org len cuti, kta blajar...
konon nya nk amk subjek awl la..
tp..ada yg amk short sem..sbb dy carry subjek..
tp..ika x repeat paper..just amk awal..
Motif nya..sem akhir ika..relax r sikit...hihi..
short sem kali neh..ika amk dua subjek awl..
tp...blea dh amk 2 subjek...
stress r kn...dlm 1 bulan nk kna stdy & hafal byk..
nk jd crita pulak..ika amk subjek food law & nutrition..fuhh..
blajr food law-->
mmg trhebat..kalu bab2 nk hafal nih..hehe..
skg nih bz cngt...assignment dh kna bt smpai assigmnt 3 dh...e2 bru food law..
blom ag nutrition..gila r mcm nih..
skg tmbh pulak..kna prepare tok final projek..
tajuk ta dpt3 ag...streesssss...:((
uhh..kna bt projek...
gila3 mcm nih..ta fhm pa pon psl projek tntg Kajian Ilmiah!!! 
shh laa..lec pon xthu nk explain mcm mna..suppose lec tu kna la jgk prepared.. lec pembimbing..dy dpt bntu..nih xpon...
concusion nya...
di akhir sem...mmg stressss!! 
Hari2 ada clss...:)

Saturday 7 May 2011

Happy Mother`s Day

For all mom in this world..

Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundred of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the wide world over..

Happy Mother`s Day..♥

as a child we have to know..even..
a mother hold their children`s hands for a short while, but they will kept their children in their heart forever.. wish to all..if ur mom can put You in their hearth forever...You also have to kept ur mom in ur soul...
keep taking good care to ur mom..♥

Happy Mother`s Day ♥

Friday 6 May 2011

im so damn exhausted..

huh...setelah 2 hri travel..dr penang ke KL...then,from KL back to Quantown...
smapi Quantown jep...trus pergi Poly daftar modul tok short sem...
balik umh sewa...tgk umh mcm kandang kambing...teruk nyea laa haii...
bdk2 yg kuar dr umh tu...mmg useless...tgl byk cngt3 smpah...smapi 1 umh bau bsuk dy...
then...kemas umh smpai la bersih...bwu la back to kL...
naek bus pkol sempat prgi mkn mee kari..even pewot xsehat..:S hehe.. 1 day..mcm3 jd...pnt cngt...
pnt muntah..pnt ke toilet :)...pnt kemas umh...
last2...dlm bus..duduk sblh org yg amk bidang food technology...
ta dpt tido...prjalanan 4 jm...hny dihbskn dgn borak2 tntg food technology..
back so damn exhausted..coz dr pkol 6 pg hingga pkol 1 bru lah dpat rehat..

Wednesday 4 May 2011

blog in progress..

hri ney ika tetiba rjin continue set up this blog..
tp still xcomplete ag..
sbb xdew idea nk add on apew lg..